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FAQ: Tattoo Aftercare


1. How should I care for my new tattoo?

  • In general, keep the tattoo clean, moisturized, and protected. Clean it gently with a mild fragrance free soap and water, pat it dry with a paper towel (Reusable towels can harbor bacteria and dust that will irritate or infect your tattoo), and apply a recommended tattoo-specific ointment or lotion. Petroleum based ointments such as A&D, Vaseline, and Aquaphor are NOT recommended. Despite the common use of petroleum-based products for new tattoo care, these products tend to suffocate skin pores and trap bacteria against the skin. When pores are not able to breathe, the skin may develop rashes, and hair follicles become irritated or inflamed. This may do more harm than good to a new tattoo. A better option is to use products made specifically for tattoo healing such as but not limited to Mad Rabbit products, Platinum Rose Tattoo Aftercare, or coconut oil that is antibacterial and absorbs well into your skin.


2. How do I heal my tattoo using a dermal shield such as but not limited to Saniderm?

  • If you are using a medical-grade, breathable, waterproof tattoo bandage the healing process is a lot different than other non stick bandage wraps. The first application of a bandage should typically stay on for 24 hours. This initial period allows the tattoo to begin healing and minimizes the risk of infection.

  • After the first 24 hour period, gently remove the initial dermal shield bandage under running warm water while peeling up one corner. Pull the corner up and away from the tattoo slowly and evenly like you are pulling a command strip off of a wall. You do NOT want to pull the bandage back like you would a bandaid or sticker. This is akin to "waxing" off your tattoo and can cause serious irritation or damage to the area.  Do this in a clean and sterile environment to minimize the risk of introducing any contaminants to the tattoo.

  • After removing the initial bandage, clean the tattooed area with mild, fragrance-free soap and water. Use your clean hands to gently wash away any fluids, ointment, or residue from the tattoo. Pat the area dry with a clean, lint-free paper towel.

  • Apply a new piece of the dermal bandage and leave it on for 3-4 days, depending on what is recommended for the type of tattoo you have.

  • Once you have completed the recommended period of time using the dermal bandage, you will transition to applying a mild, fragrance-free tattoo ointment or lotion and may follow the standard tattoo aftercare guidelines for cleaning and moisturizing the tattoo. (Refer to the previous instructions above for standard care procedures)

  • If the bandage causes irritation or redness and any point in the healing process and you suspect an allergic reaction, contact your artist and immediately remove the bandage covering. The easiest way to tell that the irritation is from your bandage adhesive is if you notice the redness in the entire area that the bandage is covering.


3. How often should I clean my tattoo?

  • Clean your tattoo at least twice a day to prevent infection (If you are not using any kind of dermal bandage product). Avoid excessive cleaning or moisture, as it can irritate the skin and slow down the healing process. Showering for prolonged periods of time can cause any scabs that may have formed to soften and shed prematurely. This also pulls out ink and can cause tissue damage. It's important that you don't soak your tattoo for too long while cleaning it if scabs have formed.


4. Can I go swimming with a new tattoo?

  • It's best to avoid swimming, especially in pools, hot tubs, or natural bodies of water, for at least two weeks after getting a tattoo. Stationary and natural bodies of water contain bacteria that will greatly increase your risk of infection and lead to complications.

5. When can I expose my tattoo to sunlight?

  • You should avoid exposing your new tattoo to direct sunlight for at least two to four weeks. Afterward, use sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your tattoo from fading and damage. the Surface damage to the skin along with the friction of the needle has your body respond in a similar way that it would heal a sunburn (First degree burn). Excessive sun exposure can further damage your skin and turn your tattoo into a second degree burn consisting of significant blistering, heavy scabbing, and even scarring once it's healed.

6. Is it normal for my tattoo to scab and peel?

  • Yes, scabbing and peeling are normal parts of the healing process. Ideally you want to prevent scabs from forming by not letting heavy layers of plasma rise to the surface and dry on the skin but if that does happen, don't worry. Sometimes it is unavoidable in certain situations. Do not pick or scratch the scabs, as it can damage the tattoo and lead to infections or scarring.

7. How long does it take for a tattoo to heal completely?

  • Healing times vary, but most tattoos take two to four weeks to superficially heal depending on the style of tattoo and placement. It can take several months for the tattoo to fully settle and appear as intended. The lower body generally heals slower than the upper body and heavy color work can take longer to heal than soft black and grey work.

8. What should I avoid during the healing process?

  • Avoid submerging your tattoo in water, exposing it to direct sunlight, wearing tight or abrasive clothing, and applying excessive ointment or creams. Also, steer clear of public swimming areas to reduce the risk of infection.

9. Can I work out or engage in strenuous physical activity with a new tattoo?

  • It's best to avoid intense physical activity that causes excessive sweating and friction on the tattooed area for the first week or so. Consult with your artist for specific recommendations.


10. What should I do if my tattoo becomes infected?

  • If you suspect an infection (signs include excessive redness, swelling, pus, bad smell, or heat around the tattoo), consult a healthcare professional immediately. Follow any prescribed antibiotics and keep the area clean and dry.

11. How can I ensure my tattoo stays vibrant over time?

  • To maintain the vibrancy of your tattoo, keep it moisturized, use sunscreen when exposed to the sun, and avoid excessive weight gain or loss in the area, as it can cause stretching and distortion.

12. What if I have other questions or concerns about my tattoo aftercare?

  • If you have any additional questions or concerns about caring for your new tattoo, always reach out to your tattoo artist. They are your best resource for personalized advice and guidance.

Remember that proper aftercare is crucial for the longevity and appearance of your tattoo. Your tattoo artist's advice is valuable, and following their recommendations will help you ensure your tattoo heals beautifully.

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